In today’s busy and fast-paced world, do you often struggle with your health?
Do you prioritise your work, family and other more pressing commitments and convenience over your health?
Do you find that you have read a lot about different health approaches, diseases and weight loss online but haven’t yet found any process that sticks?
I am a Health Coach and a fully qualified Doctor who also practices as a GP in the NHS. This means any solutions I present are evidence based and I am also fully able to work with your existing medical regime to ensure any chronic diseases are treated fully and ideally reversed. As a GP I became frustrated that I could not spend enough time with my patients, hence I became a health coach. I can now spend as long as is needed with patients like you, to get to the heart of problems and to find the right solutions.
I believe I am currently the only health coach who is also a practicing GP.
Ideally you will fall into one (or more!) of these categories:
1. Weight Loss. Have you struggled with losing weight in the past? Tried many diets and fads that did not lead to a sustained weight loss. If wishes to lose weight for both personal and health reasons having structure one-to-one support and expert guidance will help you achieve you weight goals.
2. Disease Management. Are you someone who has a long term or chronic disease or and does not want to be on a lifetime regime of drugs and testing. Often the disease swill have a lifestyle component, such as diabetes, IBS, insomnia, stress or joint issues.
3. Uncertain diagnosis: Have you got a collection of symptoms that fatigue, join pains, muscle aches, weight gain, low mood , anxiety etc which you have had test sand investigations for but no answer has been given. Symptoms without a diagnosis can be difficult to treat with traditional medicine. I use a lifestyle based, systems approach where I look at lifestyle modifications to mange symptoms and disease. Where the diagnosis is unclear, I focus in on symptoms, look through and discuss investigations and results that have already been done and suggest interventions. Often the root causes lies in a persistent low level inflammatory process in the body that leads to symptoms. By optimising nutrition, gut health, sleep, stress level etc we can improve this.
4. Wellness Coaching. For those who have a decent level of health but are looking to improve further. Often they are focused on losing that last bit of weight, training for sporting and athletic goals, making sure they feel even better in themselves or ensuring their wellbeing for the future.
1.History. One size does NOT fit all. It is crucial to for me to understand you. This means not only taking a detailed history that covers health, but also covers childhood and significant life events. Your current day to day lifestyle is also important. In fact, most of my patients find it a relief to finally be able to tell their story in their own words in their own time. You will also find it useful when setting out your own day to day lifestyle to see patterns in your own life that you can build upon or change as appropriate.
Many of our current issues stem from childhood, and often patients are amazed how much of a link there is to their health issues currently. For example, knowing about instances of antibiotic use in childhood can often give me a good picture of current gut health.
2. Achievable Goals. Knowing your day to day routine also gives me a good idea as to which goals are achievable. There is no point if you are a current care giver to young children for example, to prescribe gym visits in the morning when the kids need their breakfasts! I aim to ensure that you get small but significant tasks each week, which we working together can keep you focused on your health goals.
3. Improvements in the 4 pillars of healthy lifestyle - diet, sleep, stress and movement. Of course, diet is crucial, and often hard to change, but I know from experience that combining small significant changes to diet with other factors such as sleep quality, marginal gains become big changes. Stress is often seen as a normal part of modern life, but by ensuring stress and the effect of stress is minimised, we can give your body and mind assistance is helping you meet your health goals.
4. Gut Health. Research increasingly highlights the importance of gut health on all round health and performance. Modern lifestyles and diets often mean that our gut health isn’t sufficient for all the diverse roles the gut plays in our wellbeing. The bacteria in our guts are important for physical and mental health. I ensure that your pro-biotic wellbeing isn’t forgotten in improving your health.
I am a GP and Health Coach in Hertfordshire. I have worked as a NHS GP in London, Watford and Hertfordshire for almost 10 years. I now offer a private service for individuals who want to improve their symptoms, and long-term disease management through evidence based lifestyle modifications. Seeing a Health Coach will help you explore mak
I am a GP and Health Coach in Hertfordshire. I have worked as a NHS GP in London, Watford and Hertfordshire for almost 10 years. I now offer a private service for individuals who want to improve their symptoms, and long-term disease management through evidence based lifestyle modifications. Seeing a Health Coach will help you explore making changes in how you EAT, how you SLEEP, how you manage STRESS and your ACTIVITY, to improve disease progression, achieve weight loss and better over all wellbeing.
I use health coaching and motivational counselling techniques along side my medical expertise to achieve good health.
When is the last time you had the opportunity to really explore your health concerns with your doctor? The Health Coaching Approach takes time to focus on you as a whole person and not just the disease. Based on this I will assess you and create an individualised plan that's right for you. I understand the value of coaching you on the mo
When is the last time you had the opportunity to really explore your health concerns with your doctor? The Health Coaching Approach takes time to focus on you as a whole person and not just the disease. Based on this I will assess you and create an individualised plan that's right for you. I understand the value of coaching you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, so that you can improve your symptoms and achieve sustained good health. I strive to help you improve your quality of life, achieve your wellness goals, whether its to find the best way to lose weight or improve you illness. I will help you to heal your body to live your best life possible.
Most chronic conditions can be attributed to environmental factors and lifestyle behaviours. In consultation with a Health Coach you will gain understanding this relationship and start unravelling it. This is the key to symptom control and improvement. Individualised treatment plans for the following conditions and more;
Most chronic conditions can be attributed to environmental factors and lifestyle behaviours. In consultation with a Health Coach you will gain understanding this relationship and start unravelling it. This is the key to symptom control and improvement. Individualised treatment plans for the following conditions and more;
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Gut Health
Discussing Slimming Goals and the best way to lose weight
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Mon | 09:00 – 17:00 | |
Tue | 09:00 – 17:00 | |
Wed | 09:00 – 17:00 | |
Thu | 09:00 – 17:00 | |
Fri | 09:00 – 17:00 | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
Dr. Salma Mirza, london lifestyle clinic
Chase Lodge Hospital, Page St, London NW7 2ED
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lifestyle doctor